Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama: He's a baddddddddddddd man..

So election day 2012 was yesterday..

I voted with a calm and serene, yet internally "violent" purpose as I walked thru my neighborhood's local elementary school's auditorium to cast my vote.  I voted for "Obamalypse 2.0" as my good friend "Ricci" calls it.  I call it quite simply, "voting for the right man".

See..Obama is a "badddd boy".  Had he been 100% caucasian, he would simply be the "greatest President since Kennedy."

But since he has that oh so terrible, and ubiquitous, "drop" of black blood..Mr. Obama is a "Negro".

And how can we forget that "name" of his.. Barack (wtf is a "barack")..

 ..Hussein (now you know good an'  DAMN well this wont fly..didnt we kill a "hussein" in Iraq?)

..Obama (oh HAILL no..sounds too much like "Osama").  He just "sounds" Muslim.

Even a once "crazy" muslim named Malcolm had the good sense to have his last name as "X".  We can deal with "X".

But to get all jiggy wit it and go with "Hussein Obama"..(?!)  ..really dawg?  You really gonna get down wit that??  Seriously?

Well, I can dig it..cause he's AWESOME.   The man can speak...WELL.  Not the old "okie doke" speaks well for a Black guy "well"..No..this cat  speaks WELL for a Harvard grad!  Speaks WELL for a Statesman.  Speaks WELL for an Orator..type.."speaks WELL".  You can understand him.  Even if you have no "get it".

He's not George W. Bush..was RETARDED.  He knows how to put sentences together.  He knows know..ENGLISH(!)

He'll kick your f****** ass if you f*** with him..  Ask the "terrorists".  Oh that's right.  We cant.  THEY'RE ALL DEAD.

The man passed Healthcare..

Got rid of "Dont ask/Dont tell" (something really, REALLY, silly and juvenile that, honestly, Clinton should have been "above")..

Ended the war in Iraq..

 Closed the war in Afghanistan..

KILLED Bin Laden's worthless ass(!)..

Saved the country from a Depression..

Regulated Wall Street..

Kept the Stock market up and thriving..

Saved the Auto industry..

and MOST of all..DIDNT GET SHOT in the entire process, even tho half the white folks in the U.S.have lost their freekin minds 'cause this silky smooth, honorable, pimp-walkin, basketball-playin, big stick carryin, muslim-named, half-breed has single-handedly bitch-slapped the entire confederate, right-wing of this country with a wink and a smile..!

This is a badddddd man.

I find it fascinating that a substantial segment of the white population, predominantly in the confederate South, the midwest, Texas and Arizona find Barack Obama so threatening.  Oh sure, I "get" that racism is involved.  But, interesting how "rational" thought can't even eek it's way into these fools' minds.  I guess this is why civil wars are fought.  Some people just dont "get it"..and rational people are left to no other means then to put the "irrational"..."down" rabid pitbulls.  The confederacy was like this in 1860.  They had to be put "down".  But apparently..the confederacy was not "re-educated" after their defeat, and allowed to continue their culture of white supremacy, ignorance, violence and general anti-social behavior.  I'm not being flippant here.."owning" fellow human beings who inhabit the same planet as you and justifying this atrocity thru self-righteousness and religion, is the epitome of "anti-social" behavior...wouldn't you say?

..but I digress..  What is fascinating here, is seeing Naziism and Jim Jones-"eism"  at work before my very eyes.  You see..I voted for Al Gore in 2000.  Gore won the "popular" vote.  There were voting shenanigans in Florida, votes were discounted, voters were disenfranchised..and George W. Bush was appointed President.  

What did I do?  I got angry.  I lost faith in the United States.  But I sucked it up.  I didn't think the world was gonna come to an end..even tho you would have thought it was ending as 9/11 transpired.  btw..THAT little event was on W's watch...but he's a retard, so why be surprised.  I'm jus sayin..

But these "Rom-niacs" (ppl who voted for Romney) are now CONVINCED that Gabriel is puckering his lips and Dr. Dre is tellin Gabriel to "blow the mutha-fuckin horn!"

You'd think that I should have woken up to a barren, desolate, pock-marked, bomb-strewn, Mad-Max'ian, apocalyptic nightmare this mornin'.

..But I didn't.  I got in my Dad's '86 Ford Taurus (my primary car is in the shop for smog repairs..go figure..livin in California), drove to work, said "what up" to the cool, 20 year-old Mexican security guard, and walked into work.  Amazingly..the street lights worked, the computers were up and running..and (gasp) people continued business-as-usual.  ..SHOCKING.

Yes, Obie is a baddddd man..  He's a once-in-a-generation-type dude. We wont see his likes again..ever.  Seen Elvis lately?  Seen Jimi Hendrix lately?  Seen Kennedy lately?  Seen Marilyn Monroe lately?

..Didnt think so.

Enjoy Barack Obama.  He's the smartest man in the room.  And since this is such, I'm guessing he knows enough that some people feel their backs are against the wall with him..That they cant beat him with "the ballot", so they'll turn guessed it..that good ol' fashioned, American equalizer of political opposition.. that's right.."the bullet".  That's what we do here..we shoot Presidents in this country.  Or didn't you know that(?) 

Fortunately, Obie has friends in high places..friends that alot of other Prez's didnt quite have..  Plus, Obama is probably a genius.  Not just a "political-genius".  Just a genius..IN GENERAL.  And he has this thing about shooting "first".

So hopefully, we'll allow the man to do his "president-thing" for four more glorious years.  I will enjoy this golden-age for as long as it lasts.  One day at a time.


Unknown said...

Love it! Makes complete sense if you ask me.

Boldylocks Media Group said...

Nice! I wonder if now, all of the people who do believe that today and the rest of our days ahead are doomed to hellfire and damnation will say what I've wanted them to say during the campaign. I'd like to hear them all say in unison "we dont like Obama because he is black". That is the last little thing I would need to lift a ton of weight off my shoulders and chest. WE DO NOT LIKE OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS BLACK. Say it, love it, BE IT, because as of today, all of the initial doomsday predictions of an Obama White House have yet to come true and are being recycled YET AGAIN for another term. I DID NOT VOTE FOR BARACK OBAMA BECAUSE HE IS A BLACK GUY -SAY IT, LOVE IT, BE IT, and I will respect you for being UP FRONT AND "MANLY" about your issues. Seriously.