Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Baddest Women on the Planet: Cari Champion Ricci & The Professor are suckers for sports.  We love 'em.  And you gotta believe The Professor especially has a soft-spot for "sports chicks".  ..Kournikova, Sharapova (any "Ova" will do), Solo, Morgan, Serena, Venus, name it..I like 'em..on principle. 

So it was only a matter of time before a "sports chick" hit the BSG's "Baddest Women" HOF.  But not just "any" girl in sports will do.  No sir.  Induction requires you have something special..something different.

Sure, anybody can look good when they have to, but can you hold your own every day with the likes of an auditory warrior like Stephen A. Smith?  Can you consistently wrangle with, and share the same set with a 30-year veteran, sports-journalist like the wily, Skip Bayless?  How foreboding does all that sound! 

Well, the latest inductee to the BSG: Baddest Women on the Planet pantheon does this every day.  And does it WELL.  The BSG proudly presents Ms. Cari Champion of ESPN's First Take.

This UCLA alum has been electrifying sports fans all throughout 2013 with her charm, wit, "political" savvy, professionalism, and all-around awesomeness in holding down the "host" chair for the uber-hetero, sports roundup show: First Take.   There aren't many MEN that can hold this position down, let alone a thin, sultry, ultra-feminine, African-American, WOMAN.  In layman's terms, the girl is putting her thing DOWN. 

Just dealing with Stephen A. every day is almost too much to ask from ANYONE.  The only person I know who can do it and keep their wits about SKIP BAYLESS..and he's a piece of work himself(!)

So, here's the situation.. Cari Champion has to deal with these 2 larger than life, Alpha-Male personalities on a DAILY basis, and still remain calm, beautiful, and professional.  But here's the kicker..she has to remain "visible", but not "intrusive".  How hard must this be?  Can you imagine the pressure this woman is under?  She has to deal with millions of viewers who are WAITING for her to say something either "stupid", inappropriate, non-(sports)sensical, or vapid.  She KNOWS that most sports fans see her as "eye-candy", or a "gimmick", to keep the male demographic glued to the set; instead of having to watch Skip and Stephen A's ugly mugs..! 

And to a certain extent, that's "kind of" what she's there for.. 

But the intelligent sports fan, and the wise television executive, HAS TO understand that "eye candy" only lasts for a minute.  ESPN viewers tune in for the SPORTS info.  ..and THAT'S ALL we tune in for.  If she were to act like she doesn't belong..or more significantly..make us feel that her presence is a hindrance to the "real talk" that sports fans come to expect..we'd turn her long-haired butt off in a New York minute! And that's REAL.

But Cari Champion remains true to her namesake.  She boasts a "champion's" heart and holds it down with the best of them.  Always eloquent and confident, Cari makes us feel that she has control of the arena, but never with a heavy-hand that might make everyone feel "uncomfortable".  Her money is not made by being "hot", but by being a competent, likeable, host of a highly rated sports talk show. 

And, oh by the way, she just so be hot as $#*%..! true talent. 

WE SALUTE YOU, Cari Champion.  Go on wit' ya bad self!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baddest Women on the Planet: Ashleigh Banfield


Well, the BSG is back at it again, with another diamond in the rough.  In order to make it into the heralded, "Baddest Woman on the Planet", sorority, you have to have something special..something different.  You just can't rest on your "T&A" laurels, (although, this doesn't hurt either...but I digress..).

The BSG proudly presents for induction..something special and something different: current CNN anchor, Ms. Ashleigh Banfield.

You've seen this Canadian terror on MSNBC, Court TV and now, CNN.  Ms. Banfield joins Suzanne Malveaux in the "CNN wing" of the  Hall of Badness.  No one rocks the "short-set" and sexy-librarian glasses quite like Ashleigh Banfield.  The term MILF obviously comes to mind when watching Ms. Banfield. But with her terse communication skills, her understated brain-power and her ability to give you that simple, "I'm just a regular chick that just happens to have it going on"'s easy to see why Ashleigh has continued to create a niche for herself wherever she goes.  ..We've also noticed that she's stayed FAR away from FOX networks, which gives some insight into her personal politics. We here at BSG LOVE this(!)

But the bottom line is..the girl is BAD, and that's what counts.

So, without further ado, WE SALUTE YOU, Ashleigh Banfield.  Go on wit' ya bad self!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

THE OBAMALYPSE 2.0 or “Black Men Cannot Be Quarterbacks”.
It has been a while since I sat and prepared a post for this MOST AMAZING BLOG ON THE INTERNET. But, after the election two nights ago, I feel compelled today to write something because if I don’t say this; if I don’t clear my throat, my bowels, my lungs, my brain, I’m positive the stuff in my head will find it’s way to a part of me I love and slowly develop into a cancer.

I didn’t watch “election coverage”. I fell asleep watching previous episodes of Grimm on HULU. 
The reason why I was so “relaxed” Election Night is due to my colleague for this blog. The Professor told me in 2001 that in my life I would see a black president. I laughed at him like he was a dog with his head stuck in a bag.  

The Professor did not laugh. By 2008 when Barack was taking on Hillary Clinton,  
I was one of those worried people who just plain didn’t think the US of A was ready to vote for a black guy for president. The Professor told me “don’t worry about it”. I did. But by August of 2008 I had decided, after my own research and constant counseling from The Professor, that Obama would win. 

We know the result: 365:173 and 52:44.5. A BEAT DOWN, log it for history’s sake.

Black Men Cannot Be Quarterbacks.
Remember this phrase from the EIGHTIES? Remember it recently when Rush Limbaugh (a GOP Ring Master) decided to tackle the issue of Donovan McNabb (then Washington Redskin's and former Eagles QB)

Well, I revisit the phrase and I think about the recent Obama win, the subsequent White Male Obamalypse 2.0 fallout, and witness a sick and unhealthy connection. Regardless of the win in ’08 (which is factual history at this point), and the subsequent win over Romney two nights ago, there is a reason that the GOP lost, and NOT a reason that Obama won (there is a distinction if you are from the “black men cannot be quarterbacks” school). Because, in the end, for a large number of Americans, it is simply impossible that Obama could win the election TWICE. Just as there is a reason that black men are unsuccessful QBs, regardless of how many have succeeded at the position and how few have actually played the position in the HISTORY OF THE DAMN GAME! Obama winning TWO elections has to mean something is wrong. Not that more than half of the voting electorate support him, because, OBVIOUSLY, this "Obama-Supporting America" is clearly out of its mind and must be seeking the end of civilization as we all know it.

Bottom line, the people who vote for Obama must be suicidal, because there has to be a reason that Obama could win two elections.
Even if the reasons defy logic or facts, it doesn’t matter, because the reality is just to hard to accept.

The first thing I did the morning after the election was fired up the iPad and hit MSNBC. BOOM. Obama won (yawn, as expected).
America is still a good country with enough cool, intelligent and progressive people of a rainbow full of ethnicities, who have no problem voting for a Kenyan Socialist Muslim
with ties to terrorists and “white hate” preachers.
I say “cool, intelligent and progressive people” primarily because the morning after Obama won, I was treated to 10 minutes of pure insanity force fed via the IdiotBox, for free, and without any censor whatsoever.


Donald Trump declared there should be a revolution, that USA Democracy was a sham and that Obama won despite receiving the lessor of the popular vote (because this has never happened in American Presidential politics, especially if you were born after the year 2000 anyway. Even if it DIDN’T happen this time).

My initial reaction to Trump was “why?” Why is he allowed such a stage when it is obvious we have a large contingent of people in our country who are incapable of synthesizing what they witnessed in real time and are willing to accept anything to release them from a fact they truly cannot digest.

Obama, a black guy,

had just completed a 2 election winning streak against; 1. A respected white male war veteran and an accomplished white female “C” student who worked her way up to being governor of Alaska, managed to procreate AND was actually cute,

and 2. Two Mattel Toys created Alpha White Males complete with chins, teeth, hair, shoulders, wives, intelligence and Colgate Smiles.

This really happened. You can actually take your time and watch every single piece of official video. It is part of American HISTORY -as in FOREVER.

But, Trump and men like Trump (I’m focusing on Trump because he puts his name on everything including my blog! But the list is actually LONG and comprised of entertainers, businessmen, television talking-heads and active politicians.) are steadfast in their belief of the Contemporary White GOP member being such a child that even though they have witnessed something “new” "factual" and "evident", even though it has actually happened and can be confirmed by the entire planet, there has to be a reasonable fantasy to explain how this could happen. This reasonable fantasy will also come complete with various levels of impending doom. Sadly, Trump and the leaders of the Contemporary GOP are 100% correct.

I went back online after turning to ESPN the morning after the election. The only election related news I caught was; “THE BULLS WON AND CHICAGO HAD A GREAT PARTY LAST NIGHT.

One of the first articles I noticed was an explanation of “Obama’s Demographic Breakdown”. This is the paste that is excreted from the TRUMP et al., tube and fed to GOP members with a soothing coo that you use with children. The article explained that Obama had a record number of black voters turn out and they supported Obama nearly 95+%. This is the myth the GOP children will use to begin their tumble into Obamalypse 2.0. "Obama won because he got the BLACK VOTE".. -seething angerrrrrr.

This is exactly what is believed by a group of people for whom real life, real statistics and, essentially, REALITY are no longer valid: Black voters; a group comprised of a population that is only 13% of the entire population of the country, a group of actual voters that is no more than 7% of the population, and a group of voters that live primarily in states in the South/South East, literally placed Barack Obama in the White House. IF you can read this paragraph and understand the leap of logic you would have to take, you understand the illness infecting nearly half of adult voters in the USA. The ILLNESS is sneaky because over HALF of these people will tell you that without a doubt in their minds; "they are not racist and saying that they are is, in fact, racist". Because, of course, it is racist to call a racist a racist.

Lets be honest, see these two maps?

One is McCain vs. Obama the other is Romney vs. Obama. In both, if you notice the huge swatch of RED STATES you can also note that of these Red States, nearly ½  (or more) are states known to have the largest populations of “African-Americans”. So, this RECORD NUMBER OF BLACK VOTERS, if simmered lightly on a stove, really represents a RECORD NUMBER OF BLACK VOTERS WHO WASTED THEIR VOTES BECAUSE THEY LIVE IN STATES THAT VOTED "GOP" AT THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE LEVEL. But, Obama got a large percent of these “wasted votes”.
Its just stupid to bring it up and you SHOULD ask yourself why it is important.

WHY TELL THE WORLD about the demographics of Obama’s voters and leave out the part about a majority of his “demographic” living in states that support GOP candidates? Why lead an electorate to believe that VOTING FOR OBAMA is a vote for "welfare and handouts" when the states that recieve the majority of welfare-handouts are, in fact, GOP STATES where most of the "BLACK VOTE" congregates and ESSENTIALLY means, nothing.

Is this WHY?

WHY? Because, apparently, it is just too easy to pass up. Trump and his boys understand that there is a very awkward group of GOP members who are currently lost and literally look for anything to explain what they are witnessing. They want to take America BACK -from Obama?-. They want to go BACK to a time where what? WHAT?? The demographics of these states has not changed in nearly 50 years. They are states with large numbers of poor people of all colors, of millions "getting handouts" and essentially WHITE states that have been disrespected for over a century!
They are states full of adult-children who need a fantastic explanation, including the impending doom of Obamalypse 2.0. They are states with a history of fighting against the progression of "slaves" even though the mere presence of a slave today would drive them crazy because they would be two steps deeper into unemployment. These are states comprised of people who have been voting without any true regard to their fellow, struggling, poor WHITE man for decades and who really have a problem getting shafted, AGAIN, but by a black president this time (and GOD HELP US IF HE ACTUALLY TRIES TO HELP THEM!).
OH, Trump’s declaration of Obama winning the election without receiving a majority of the popular vote? It was never debated or denounced. They allowed the statement to ride through the airwaves right into the amygdala of this strange group of lizard white people, and they snapped it up.
Listen and please please, my GOP friends especially, listen listen read read: Obama won the elections both times because there are a lot of non-BROWN people who are not interested in what you are selling at the SOCIAL LEVEL. 
Trust me, many of the GOP’s fiscal concerns are just as fair of a gamble as any Democratic fiscal aerobics. The bottom line is America has withstood 44 Presidential terms and will make it through it's 45th. We have progressed from one white male to the next until 2008. Believe it or not, regardless of the predictions of the "GOP LEADERSHIP" (a group of people who fully believe the GOP electorate is just plain stupid as evidenced by the recycled Obamalypse 1.0 doomsday predictions), the end of America is not upon us because the country has elected a black QB. 
IF there is an end of America that has come to light, it could be that a majority of AMERICA is finished being led by its "childish" nature and is willing to vote for social progress and level headedness (TWICE). America is willing to disregard smear campaigns and interested in having people in the White House who are, simply, TRYING to help. The 44th and 45th Presidential Terms will not result in the end of everything and if YOU DO BELIEVE THESE TERMS will do so much damage, I can only say "WHY" because, apparently, there was NOTHING TO FEAR during Obama's first term (we arent ANY MORE SOCIALIST than we were yesterday, 10 years ago or 50 years ago and reparations are still on hold. The Confederate Flag is still "allowed" to fly and white slavery is still primarily conducted by Eastern Europeans and the Leaders of the GOP). Stop being so childish (feel free to replace "racist" every time you see the word "childish").

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama: He's a baddddddddddddd man..

So election day 2012 was yesterday..

I voted with a calm and serene, yet internally "violent" purpose as I walked thru my neighborhood's local elementary school's auditorium to cast my vote.  I voted for "Obamalypse 2.0" as my good friend "Ricci" calls it.  I call it quite simply, "voting for the right man".

See..Obama is a "badddd boy".  Had he been 100% caucasian, he would simply be the "greatest President since Kennedy."

But since he has that oh so terrible, and ubiquitous, "drop" of black blood..Mr. Obama is a "Negro".

And how can we forget that "name" of his.. Barack (wtf is a "barack")..

 ..Hussein (now you know good an'  DAMN well this wont fly..didnt we kill a "hussein" in Iraq?)

..Obama (oh HAILL no..sounds too much like "Osama").  He just "sounds" Muslim.

Even a once "crazy" muslim named Malcolm had the good sense to have his last name as "X".  We can deal with "X".

But to get all jiggy wit it and go with "Hussein Obama"..(?!)  ..really dawg?  You really gonna get down wit that??  Seriously?

Well, I can dig it..cause he's AWESOME.   The man can speak...WELL.  Not the old "okie doke" speaks well for a Black guy "well"..No..this cat  speaks WELL for a Harvard grad!  Speaks WELL for a Statesman.  Speaks WELL for an Orator..type.."speaks WELL".  You can understand him.  Even if you have no "get it".

He's not George W. Bush..was RETARDED.  He knows how to put sentences together.  He knows know..ENGLISH(!)

He'll kick your f****** ass if you f*** with him..  Ask the "terrorists".  Oh that's right.  We cant.  THEY'RE ALL DEAD.

The man passed Healthcare..

Got rid of "Dont ask/Dont tell" (something really, REALLY, silly and juvenile that, honestly, Clinton should have been "above")..

Ended the war in Iraq..

 Closed the war in Afghanistan..

KILLED Bin Laden's worthless ass(!)..

Saved the country from a Depression..

Regulated Wall Street..

Kept the Stock market up and thriving..

Saved the Auto industry..

and MOST of all..DIDNT GET SHOT in the entire process, even tho half the white folks in the U.S.have lost their freekin minds 'cause this silky smooth, honorable, pimp-walkin, basketball-playin, big stick carryin, muslim-named, half-breed has single-handedly bitch-slapped the entire confederate, right-wing of this country with a wink and a smile..!

This is a badddddd man.

I find it fascinating that a substantial segment of the white population, predominantly in the confederate South, the midwest, Texas and Arizona find Barack Obama so threatening.  Oh sure, I "get" that racism is involved.  But, interesting how "rational" thought can't even eek it's way into these fools' minds.  I guess this is why civil wars are fought.  Some people just dont "get it"..and rational people are left to no other means then to put the "irrational"..."down" rabid pitbulls.  The confederacy was like this in 1860.  They had to be put "down".  But apparently..the confederacy was not "re-educated" after their defeat, and allowed to continue their culture of white supremacy, ignorance, violence and general anti-social behavior.  I'm not being flippant here.."owning" fellow human beings who inhabit the same planet as you and justifying this atrocity thru self-righteousness and religion, is the epitome of "anti-social" behavior...wouldn't you say?

..but I digress..  What is fascinating here, is seeing Naziism and Jim Jones-"eism"  at work before my very eyes.  You see..I voted for Al Gore in 2000.  Gore won the "popular" vote.  There were voting shenanigans in Florida, votes were discounted, voters were disenfranchised..and George W. Bush was appointed President.  

What did I do?  I got angry.  I lost faith in the United States.  But I sucked it up.  I didn't think the world was gonna come to an end..even tho you would have thought it was ending as 9/11 transpired.  btw..THAT little event was on W's watch...but he's a retard, so why be surprised.  I'm jus sayin..

But these "Rom-niacs" (ppl who voted for Romney) are now CONVINCED that Gabriel is puckering his lips and Dr. Dre is tellin Gabriel to "blow the mutha-fuckin horn!"

You'd think that I should have woken up to a barren, desolate, pock-marked, bomb-strewn, Mad-Max'ian, apocalyptic nightmare this mornin'.

..But I didn't.  I got in my Dad's '86 Ford Taurus (my primary car is in the shop for smog repairs..go figure..livin in California), drove to work, said "what up" to the cool, 20 year-old Mexican security guard, and walked into work.  Amazingly..the street lights worked, the computers were up and running..and (gasp) people continued business-as-usual.  ..SHOCKING.

Yes, Obie is a baddddd man..  He's a once-in-a-generation-type dude. We wont see his likes again..ever.  Seen Elvis lately?  Seen Jimi Hendrix lately?  Seen Kennedy lately?  Seen Marilyn Monroe lately?

..Didnt think so.

Enjoy Barack Obama.  He's the smartest man in the room.  And since this is such, I'm guessing he knows enough that some people feel their backs are against the wall with him..That they cant beat him with "the ballot", so they'll turn guessed it..that good ol' fashioned, American equalizer of political opposition.. that's right.."the bullet".  That's what we do here..we shoot Presidents in this country.  Or didn't you know that(?) 

Fortunately, Obie has friends in high places..friends that alot of other Prez's didnt quite have..  Plus, Obama is probably a genius.  Not just a "political-genius".  Just a genius..IN GENERAL.  And he has this thing about shooting "first".

So hopefully, we'll allow the man to do his "president-thing" for four more glorious years.  I will enjoy this golden-age for as long as it lasts.  One day at a time.

Monday, June 21, 2010

We Will Continue To Celebrate The Memory Of Your Visit

In memoriam of the upcoming 1-year anniversary of the King Of Pop's untimely passing, I thought I would revisit an email thread, between Ricci and Myself ("The Professor") that was written last year on July 2nd 2009.. It came as an impromptu reaction to the, then, SHOCKING news of Michael Jackson's death. Seeing as the 1 year anniversary of that fateful day is fastly approaching, here, in their entirety, were our reactions..and what I found later to be apt TRIBUTES, to a man neither of us thought we would miss as much as we do.

The words you are about to read are the transcript of two emails that were written by Ricci and The Professor on July 2, 2009..[I added the pics to add some sizzle and flava..Mike would have liked it that way..]


Michael Jackson…..


I won’t waste time going through the rehashing.

Michael Jackson is dead.

In the words of the Professor: “..Charles Manson –ALIVE!? Michael Jackson – DEAD??”

No balance. No sense. Just plain humbling.

Well in the days since his death (Oh yeah, my sympathies to anyone who died during the Michael Jackson Death YEAR – like Farah etc) I’ve read a few articles online posted on some fairly reputable websites (MSNBC, CNN) which seem to be written by people who clearly do not know WHO Michael Jackson was, which is actually incredible.

We are talking about one of the greatest mutants in the history of man.

Bo Jackson –true mutant.. but “D-Level” when compared to Mike.

Michael Jordan –MUTANT but again, he cant hold the Man In The Mirror’s single shiny glove..

We could write a paragraph of human super-freaks and you will NOT be able to mention ONE who could honestly stand next to Mr. Michael Jackson.

How writers are missing the discussion of the true talent and genius of Jackson is confusing.

The fact that every article, OH, and every segment of broadcast information about him, seem to follow the same pattern is disturbing: Michael Jackson has died, brief clips of him as a child, discussion of him and his brothers in the Jackson 5, quick switch to him performing at the NAACP (BET?) Awards doing his signature “moon walk” (which by the way was being done by several million black teens BEFORE this evening, but heaven forbid we pay attention to black teens –yes SNARKY), then suddenly the discussion turns to allegations ALLEGATIONS of child molestation and plastic surgery.

LOOK, if that is the way you want to discuss one of the FEW TRUE NATURAL BORN PRODIGY/GENIUS HUMANS we may ever witness, FINE. But know this, its LURID. Its WRONG and being a black man, it just seems, as usual, somewhat strange… because I have a really serious gut feeling that if another person, of a different color, was entertaining ADULTS at the age of 5; BLOWING chart topping Motown Greats off of the planet by TEN, selling out SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND TICKETS for a concert in FIVE MINUTES –and is FIFTY!!!! upon his/her death set a RECORD for downloaded music sales online.. I’d be watching many more in-depth features about this singular talent and how the talent will be missed, and how the talent should be appreciated, praised, and again, in the words of The Professor: potentially DEIFIED!


Michael Jackson..dead.

Dick Cheney..still livin'..

George Bush..still livin'..

OSAMA BIN LADEN..still livin'..and making MIXTAPES(!)

...and Michael Jackson, DEAD.

Newt Gingrich..still livin'.

Charles MANSON..still livin'.

Kim Jon IL..had a a country where starvation is the norm..still livin'.

..and Michael Jackson, DEAD.

Don’t make no kinda damn sense!

I could understand when Jim Morrison, or Hendrix, Joplin or Mama Cass left early..

I could understand why Marilyn Monroe checked out. There was always a quiet, beneath the surface, melancholy in each stunning photograph she took..

I understood Elvis leaving the building in his 40’s. Everyone saw that one coming..with the weight fluctuations, the heavy sweating under hot Vegas lights night in and night out..

But Michael Jackson..?? Devout spiritualist and humanist. A man so squeaky clean, growing up he was the bane of scorn and ridicule.

..and Michael Jackson, dead.

What I keep hearing in the wake of this sudden and tragic passing are eulogies of a “troubled” superstar.. ...“troubled”. Hmmm..

I wonder.

I guess John the Baptist was “troubled” with all the ridicule and animosity he had to endure with all that “messiah” talk.. Damn shame what they did to him when they cut his head off..

Moses, I suspect, was “troubled” seeing as tho he had to run from pharaoh for a living and take an entire “people” to the “promised land”..Some life that must have to be him.

And then there was this cat, Jesus. ..Talk about “troubled”! Boy did he have to hear it, huh? With all that “being a Jew” stuff an’ all.. And let’s not talk about the trumped up charges and that execution thing.. Now THAT was “troubled”.

But I’ll be remembering Mike like I remember all those other biblical, larger-than-life, superhuman, living deities. If Mike was “troubled” than he was in GOOD company.

Michael Jackson was a once-in-a-planetary-lifespan entity. To wit..ELVIS wasn’t a superstar at NINE years old. And ELVIS didn’t REMAIN relevant his ENTIRE life since childhood. As my colleague Ricci so eloquently put it: “when Elvis died..THAILAND didn’t cry.”

..When Michael died someone in THAILAND committed SUICIDE.

The Beatles were a quasar act.. they lit up the landscape, changed the vacuum of space around them and left it forever altered for time to come..but they came quick and went..quicker.

Marilyn Monroe was a product of other people’s projections. She was the original human pitrie dish.. She lived in a shell always looking out wondering..”why is all this attention on me..? what did I do?” You actually did nothing Norma just look good and we all wanna wake up next to you.

Michael Jackson, on the other hand, was a genius…a prodigy..a musical force of nature.. Not like the forces of nature, like hurricanes and tornadoes WE know here on earth.. Michael was that perpetual planet-sized red STORM on Jupiter that started before us and will end long Earth has never known a “Michael Jackson”. And will never see a “Michael Jackson” ever again.

This needs to be eulogized. This needs to shouted. This needs to screamed. Every generation in every corner of the planet has been touched by something Michael Jackson said, sung, or wrote. What other figure can say that..? Perhaps…Jesus? Muhammad? But then again.. “those” guys were polarizing figures..

EVERYBODY loved Michael.

And it SHOULD be stated that Michael Jackson was an American Black Man. Oh, he looked like a kabuki transvestite..but “we” knew that MJ was all showbiz..and underneath..was a Black man.. which I suppose is why the so-called King of Pop is not getting his just due to this writer’s satisfaction.

What the critics say wont matter in the long run..

James Brown once said that: “people will ‘feel’ you before they ‘hear’ you.”

The world “felt” Michael Jackson. I suspect the world will know Michael Jackson for the next 500 years.. No matter what revisionists, or skeptics, or naysayers write about this superhuman being known as Michael J. Jackson...the fact remains that this planet has been inextricably altered by the presence of this man.

We “felt” him before we heard him.